Full Moon Sadhana 22 april bij Samtosa

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“Getting up for sadhana in the morning is a totally selfish act- for personal strength, for personal intuition, for personal sharpness, for personal discipline, and overall for absolute personal prosperity.”

We call the time we spend on our maintenance Sadhana. It is an essential part of life. If you do your Sadhana, your mind can take the pressure. It will guide you and groom you properly.9/28/02

Doing Sadhana is not to please God; it is to please your own self, to clean your own self, to cleanse your own mind. You’ll find the brightness of the earth. 7/11/1982

“Sadhana is a self-victory, and it is a victory over time and space. Getting up is a victory over time, and doing it is a victory over space. That is what Sadhana is.”


Sadhana Leeuwarden Amritsar

Traditionele Kundalini Yoga Sadhana

Full Moon vrijdag 22 april 5.00-7.30 uur bij Samtosa Noordvliet 145, Leeuwarden.
Aanmelden is nodig voor a.s. donderdag 17.00 uur.
De Sadhana is een ochtenddiscipline, geen yogales, de entree is gratis, een donatie is welkom.

Sadhana in the early hours Amrit Vela before sunrise: recitation Japji Sahib meditation of the soul, Kundalini Yoga Kriya, Relaxation, 7 Sadhana mantra’s for the Aquarian Age.







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