Mantra Concert met Jennifer Ann in de Schranskerk in Leeuwarden vrijdag 8 dec 19.30 uur

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Born in the USA (1984, Jacksonville, Arkansas) and raised in The Netherlands, Jennifer Ann has always been searching for the magical unknown. Through the art of theatre she became aware that we are spiritual beings, having a human experience on earth.

Realizing this, she started to move more towards different spiritual teachings. Over the past ten years she has been educating herself in Shamanism, Yoga, Buddhism and more. During her first yoga training she discovered the art of mantra singing and how sound can bring profound healing. Now she is researching and building bridges between traditional mantra music (India), western music and shamanic chants (South- and North America). With her soulful voice and blending of rhythms and instruments she is rediscovering the path of the ancestors, bringing this sacred knowledge back to life, while building new relations between eastern and western worlds.

Vrijdag 8 december 19.30-21.00 uur
Inloop vanaf 19.15 uur
Jennifer Ann begint met een korte inleiding van een Kundalini Yoga en/of meditatie waarna we heerlijk kunnnen luisteren of mee chanten, met haar prachtige stem en waarbij ze speelt op haar gitaar.

De entree is 15,- inclusief Yogi Tea en iets lekkers.
In de Schranskerk, Schrans 92 in Leeuwarden (ruim parkeermogelijkheden)

Eventueel je eigen yogamatje of meditatie kussentje mee.
Voor aanvang graag een mailtje voor 7 december naar
Saskia Jiwan Shakti

Iedereen is welkom❤️??

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